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Understanding the types of ‘Desolations’ and their ‘Cure’

This is the fifth of six blogs intended to help you to allow yourself to be guided by the Holy Spirit. Press this link if you wish to start reading from the first blog.

Desolation is not typical of an authentic spiritual journey, but if there is, one must analyse the causes.

1st Step

ACKNOWLEDGE the desolation.

Definition of Spiritual desolation: 

As St. Ignatius of Loyola defines it in the Fourth Rule of his Spiritual Exercises, contains attributes “such as the darkness of the soul, disturbance in it, movement to low and earthly things, disquiet from various agitations and temptations, moving to lack of confidence, without hope, without love, finding oneself totally slothful, tepid, sad, and, as if separated from one’s Creator and Lord.”

2nd Step:


The causes can be:

a) I (myself)

I (myself) can cause desolation by sin, error, fault, or lack of self-care (poor diet, lack of balance, etc.). That is anything that causes desolation that comes out of my decisions.

b) GOD

In some circumstances, God can reduce consolations for a pedagogical reason. The main reasons are:

  • God wants to awaken us to any darkness that has taken root in our lives.
  • God wants to remind us that consolation is a gift from him, not something we have earned for ourselves.


The bad spirit, can also create disturbances and impediments, through:

1. Temptation

The temptation is “a desire to engage in short-term urges for enjoyment, that threatens long-term goals” (Webb, J.R. (Sep 2014). Incorporating Spirituality into Psychology of temptation: Conceptualization, measurement, and clinical implications. Spirituality in Clinical Practice. 1.3. PP: 231-241). These urges are normally related to power, money and sex. The tempter normally invites the person through coaxing (sweet-talking, like what happened to Eve) or by inducing a person into committing such an act, by manipulation or curiosity, or fear of losing something important.

2. Insinuation

“In the persons who are going on intensely cleansing their sins and rising from good to better in the service of God our Lord […], it is the way of the evil spirit to bite, sadden and put obstacles, disquieting with false reasons, that one may not go on; and it is proper to the good to give courage and strength, consolations, tears, inspirations and quiet, easing, and putting away all obstacles, that one may go on in well-doing” (St. Ignatius of Loyola, Second Rule). Mainly these consist of doubts, scruples, or lack of security.

3. Vexation or Oppression

To be vexed with a demon means to be harassed, tormented or troubled by an evil spirit. Oppression in the NT Greek is referring to a person having a host of fallen angels exercised against a person. Thus, the meanings of these two words are virtually saying the same thing.

3.1. The causes of vexations

“Vexations are caused by a person’s cultivation of imprudent habits; by frequenting wizards or séances, through repeated and persistent serious sins, or by submitting to spells. Here the devil acts without any dominant and prevailing influence over the body and the mind of the victim” (Amorth Gabriele, in An Exorcist Explains Demonic Possession and Vexation).

3.2. Vexations are true and actual aggression, physical or psychological attacks

Vexations are true and actual aggression, physical or psychological attacks that the demon works against a person. At times they result in scratches, burns, bruises, or, in the most serious cases, broken bones. At times the victim is the target of stones or other objects. Typical cases of vexation are illnesses without any apparent cause that affect the internal organs or the limbs or pathologies that provoke pain in a part of the body without visible signs. Vexations can involve health, affections, or work” (Amorth Gabriele, in An Exorcist Explains Demonic Possession and Vexation).

3.3. Vexations are not always manifested on a physical level

Vexations are not always manifested on a physical level. Sometimes they can strike affections: it can happen, for example, that a couple who are married or are engaged to be married can separate, or, to the contrary, two persons can become engaged, even though they are incompatible.

Vexations can also involve an oneiric dimension: while sleeping, a person may have terrible nightmares, in which he dreams of cursing, of damning God, or of becoming perverse and wicked. In this case, we are at the borders of diabolical obsession” (Amorth Gabriele, in An Exorcist Explains Demonic Possession and Vexation).

3.4. Other vexations are manifested in work

“Other vexations are manifested in work: the person in search of it does not find it; or the person who finds work loses it; or a person may have gross difficulties with colleagues and bosses at work. Other times, vexations can break up friendships and isolate a person” (Amorth Gabriele, in An Exorcist Explains Demonic Possession and Vexation).

3.5. Illness or Vexation?

Illness or Vexation? How does one distinguish between physical illness and a diabolical vexation? It is necessary, as always, to be very prudent in evaluating symptoms. Easily impressionable people can become upset without foundation. Often, in fact, an illness or psychological discomfort is natural and can be easily diagnosed by a medical or psychiatric specialist. But anyone who notices the presence of tormenting phenomena tied to an inexplicable aversion to the sacred, to God, or to prayer should seek spiritual discernment. Likewise, having frequented occult practices in the past or contacted wizards, mediums, or fortune-tellers, even in good faith, or having been subjected to spells can be valid indications for the need for good discernment” (Amorth Gabriele, in An Exorcist Explains Demonic Possession and Vexation).

3.6. Vexations can disturb or block the good acts

It can also happen by disturbing or blocking the good, for example, one plans to go out for a walk-in order to pray, and it starts raining. Or you feel a need to go to pray in church, and then find lack of silence, due to people talking. The desire to go out to pray would have been created by the evil to elicit frustration, to associate negative feelings with prayer.

4. Physical attacks

This is another form of vexation “aimed to hinder the good work” (Amorth Gabriele, in An Exorcist Explains Demonic Possession and Vexation). “Physical attacks are pretty obvious and need little elaboration. Many saints were attacked by invisible demons, including St. Padre Pio and St. Jean Vianney. This is in no way suggestive of occult or satanic involvement but rather can be (but are not always) due to one’s sanctity” (Jeannie Ewing, in When You Need Help for Spiritual Warfare).

5. Infestation

Infestation is when a house, inanimate object, or animal is influenced by inexplicable paranormal phenomena. For example, if a lamp turns off and on without anyone activating a switch and without an electrical malfunction, it might be due to an infestation. These occur at times when a person practising some form of witchcraft uses a particular object to create a spell, hex, or curse. It could also be due to the influence of a deceased soul who is trying to get someone’s attention so that they may obtain prayers to be released from Purgatory” (Jeannie Ewing, in When You Need Help for Spiritual Warfare).

6. Diabolic dependence and Demonic possession

These “are the most extreme and dangerous forms of extraordinary activity and include a pact with the devil and when Satan takes over a person’s body (not soul) and acts without the knowledge or consent of the victim, respectively. In the latter case, the individual is not morally culpable for what the demons say or do through his body, but in the former case, the person has willingly entered into a covenant with the devil and is, therefore, accountable for that choice” (Jeannie Ewing, in When You Need Help for Spiritual Warfare).

6.1. Possession: an invincible influence of the devil on a person

“Diabolical possession is the invincible influence of the devil on a person, is the most striking and serious form of the extraordinary action of the devil. When the demon is able to take possession of a person, he can make him or her say and do what he wishes.

It is necessary to clarify that the devil is not able to take possession of the soul of a man (unless the person expressly consents to it), but only his body. Nevertheless, I must say that the cases of valid and true possession are rare: cases of vexation, obsession, and infestation are more frequent.” (Amorth Gabriele, in An Exorcist Explains Demonic Possession and Vexation).

6.2. When possession is manifested?

“When possession is manifested, the obsessed goes into a trance and loses consciousness, leaving space for the evil spirit to speak; to agitate the person; to curse — in brief, to take over […].  During these crises, the manifestation of abnormal phenomena occurs at intervals, but not continuously. The subject will lose consciousness all of a sudden. But at other moments of the day, they will appear normal. The possession is seldom permanent.

More often the crises are provoked by external motives — for example, during a situation of spiritual stress, such as the exorcism itself, the Mass, benediction, prayer, or even the simple introduction of a sacred object. At other times, it goes off without apparent cause” (Amorth Gabriele, in An Exorcist Explains Demonic Possession and Vexation).

6.3. Who can become possessed?

No one can consider themselves excluded: they can be young or old, believers or atheists, Christians [even religious and ordained ministers] or those of other religions […]. In most cases, those who are distant from the Faith are more susceptible to this risk […].

Temptation is conquered by vigilance, avoiding sin, and praying, because without the help of God we are not capable of conquering the seduction of sin. No one is exempt from temptation; some of the saints have had tremendous temptations even on their deathbeds. From their testimonies, we understand that as long as we have breath, we shall never be free of temptation.

It is useful to know that there are also multiple possessions; many spirits can be seen acting in a person contemporaneously […]. There are cases, as in the Gospel of Mark, when Jesus was found with the demoniac possessed by a legion of devils (see Mark 5:1–20) – (Amorth Gabriele, in An Exorcist Explains Demonic Possession and Vexation).

6.4. How does one discover that he or she is possessed?

There are persons who discover they are possessed when frequenting a sacred place, perhaps a Marian sanctuary, or when they participate in retreats, processions, prayer encounters, or Eucharistic adoration. They may have had some disturbance in the past to which they didn’t pay much attention, but then on those occasions it manifested itself in a clearer and more obvious way. It is the sign that the devil has remained hidden as long as he was able (he can hide himself for long periods, dissimulating his presence), but when confronting the power of God he must manifest himself. This fact, contrary to what one may think, must be accepted as a grace, because only in knowing the illness can one intervene” (Amorth Gabriele, in An Exorcist Explains Demonic Possession and Vexation).

6.5. Is possession contagious?

I wish to stress that neither possessions nor evil spells are contagious. In other words, there is no risk of being struck by coming in visual, auditory, or tactical contact with demoniac persons. A demoniac can also marry and have children without danger of infecting her family […]. At times, living with such people is very difficult and truly tests a person. This is even truer for the priest. […]. Persons who have had an experience with possession and then resolved it acquire a great sensibility toward situations in which a satanic presence is evident” (Amorth Gabriele, in An Exorcist Explains Demonic Possession and Vexation).

6.6. Who can handle these cases?

“Most demonic interference can be handled by a Catholic Priest or a layperson involved in deliverance ministry. “Only extreme cases should be dealt with via the Rite of Exorcism, and as a last resort at that. In other words, once all other options are explored and determined to not be the cause of a person’s ills (e.g., psychological diagnosis, biological disease), exorcism should be sought. Most exorcists have a team of trusted people who act as consultants on various fields of expertise, including medical and psychological interventions. There is always a thorough evaluation for a person who is suspected of demonic possession, and when it is determined that there is no natural cause of the affliction, an exorcism is performed. (Note: Do not seek an “exorcism” from anyone other than a priest!)” (Jeannie Ewing, in When You Need Help for Spiritual Warfare). Not all priest can perform an exorcism, but only those who have permission from their ordinary.

d. Lack of Health

The World Health Organization (WHO), defines health as being “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. When health is lacking the person could feel a certain unease, mainly due to frustrations and pain. This lack of health can also lead to spiritual desolation.

e. The Environment

This involves the places where a person lives. One’s house, school, place of work, places of entrainment, and the like. Certain negativity can lead to spiritual desolation. This can include excessive unhealthy anxiety, sadness, obsessions, hatred, fornication, envy, jealousy, rage, taught of suicide and abortion, sinful sexuality, divisions in families, harmful friendships. A more spiritually toxic environment can include blasphemy, the practice of spells, Malefice, witchcraft, magic (black and white) and the occult.

3rd Step:


I (myself) → CONVERT (go back to God)





This was the fifth of six blogs intended to help you to allow yourself to be guided by the Holy Spirit.

Follow the link below to continue your journey

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