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The different types of spirits

This is the second of six blogs intended to help you to allow yourself to be guided by the Holy Spirit. Press this link if you wish to start reading from the first blog.

In our spiritual battle, one needs to understand that different spirits that might be involved.

On one side, there is always God’s Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, and close to it, there is always our own egoistic Human Spirit and The Evil Spirit. The latter always aims to deceive us, pretending to be the good spirit, with the aim of destroying our life here on earth and in the afterlife through eternal damnation.

Here, are some signs that can help elicit the different types of spirits that might be guiding us.

The Signs of the ‘Divine Spirit’ are:

Conformity with revelation.

Acts that stimulates charity.

Humility (on the path of truth).

Measure and equilibrium.

Peace and serenity.

The signs of the ‘Human spirit’ are:

Mental egocentrism.

Existential egocentrism.

Lack of docility.

Look for compensations.

The signs of ‘Diabolical spirit’ are:

A tendency to falsity

Spirit of pride and rebellion.

Spirit of discord.

Lack of internal peace.

For further details see,  Benito Goya, Luce e guida nel cammino. Manuale di direzione spirituale, Mauali, EDB, Bologna 2004, pp. 145-156

This was the second of six blogs intended to help you to allow yourself to be guided by the Holy Spirit.

Follow the link below to continue your journey

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