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Focus on the ‘process’, not on the ‘progress.’

This is the last of six blogs intended to help you to allow yourself to be guided by the Holy Spirit. Press this link if you wish to start reading from the first blog.

A life guided by the Holy Spirit can never be rendered to the monitoring of one’s progress in the life of faith.

This is because if someone focuses on the progress, one will be shifting one’s motivation from giving glory to God towards oneself. Thus, during discernment, instead of seeking any ‘progress’ one has to focus more on maintaining oneself in a ‘process’ of continuous conversion.

Here it is beneficial to describe the difference between process and progress in spiritual life. According to Ruiz, “‘Progress’ means advancement, moving ahead in the physical or spiritual order; ‘process’ indicates the organic transformations in the living things or in matter.” Moreover, he continues to explain that “It is risky to speak directly of spiritual growth or progress. In a technical analysis, an explicit reflection on the ‘progress’ is typical. This is not the same when it becomes the centre of attention and desire: progress, triumph, showing up, etc. These are terms that belong to the psychological spiritual language, fulfilled with anthropocentrism, if not of egoism(Federico Ruiz, Le vie dello Spirito, EDB, Bologna 2004, p. 408, translated by the author).

Thus, in authentic discernment, the effort to renew one’s mind does not intend to monitor the progress or regress. It only monitors and stimulates the never-ending process of conversion.  A process that is born in God’s Call for Union and lived in the Church with an attitude of faith, hope, and love. 

Thus, during any discernment intended to discover and live God’s dream, any mentality that pigeonholes people as ‘beginners’ or ‘advanced’ it’s not healthy to be used. God encounters every person in their actual life situation.

when discerning God’s will, any mentality that pigeonholes people as ‘beginners’, ‘intermediate’ or ‘advanced’ is unhealthy

This was the final blog in a series intended to help you to DISCOVER and ACTUALISE the will of the Father for you.

Follow the link below to proceed to another related series, that can help you deepen your personal relationship with Christ.

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